In 2020 can we NOT make up problems for women?
Being at home during the holidays meant I had seen way more commercials than normal. And one that was been a special treat is the one for Dove's deodorant - the product that not only protects us from sweat but 'cares for our underarm skin' as well.
What they're claiming is "After all, a lot of the best things in life lead to us throwing our arms in the air: great music, enthusiastic – if not particularly good – dancing, hugs with friends we haven’t seen in ages. And in those moments, insecurities about our underarms definitely aren’t welcome."
After almost 20 years working in health care, I have talked to *literally* thousands of women and hair, skin and nails comes up. And other than actual skin conditions under the arms (which this product will definitely not help), I have never had anyone complain to me about dry armpits. Not a single dry skin moment of armpit insecurity.
Which doesn't mean it never happens but I think women usually have a whole list of insecurities that come before dry armpits - many started by 'helpful' companies like Dove.
But this is especially annoying from a company that has something called the "Dove Self Esteem Project". Their mission includes ensuring 'that the next generation grows up enjoying a positive relationship with the way they look – helping young people raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential'.
Which sounds great until you try to make us feel like we have disgusting dry armpits that need to be managed by their product - and their product only (possibly because no other company thought of it first).
Now men don't have to worry about dry armpits - and I'm sure their reason will be because women shave and men don't...but most commercials or societal rules don't focus on the need for men to be smooth as a baby's bottom everywhere or anywhere. It's fine for men to age naturally but we'd like women to have the skin of a 6 year old. Forever.
This is a massive fail Dove. Don't make up problems for women now only to try to boost our self-esteem down the line.